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The Transform Network Podcast - A Progressive Christian Podcast

Feb 27, 2020

Today's guest is Maren C. Tirabassi, she is white. Her most recent book is A Child Laughs – Prayers for Justice and Hope, an anthology with seventy-seven writers from eleven countries. She is a guest preacher, new author mentor, and facilitator of workshops with prison inmates, new English speakers, and cancer and dementia patients. Connect with her at, at Casa: An Experiment in Doing Church Online, at RevGalsBlogPals, or on Facebook.

Vahisha Hasan, founder & executive director of Movement in Faith, is hosting Resipiscence 2020 on The Transform Network Podcast, A Progressive Christian Podcast. It's a daily accompaniment to this year's lenten devotional by the same name. Visit

BUY THE DEVO: It's not to late to get your lenten devotional. Print or eBook versions at